Khabarovsk: +7 (914) 771-05-32
Vladivostok: +7 (908) 967-92-77

Sakhalin: +7 (904) 626-11-76

Blagoveshchensk: +7 (924) 441-37-74

Tiger day

Tiger Day is a unique ecological holiday that has become the hallmark of the capital of the Primorye. It first appeared in Vladivostok, then crossed the boundaries of the city and the region, and became national and international.

On September 24, 2017, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the holiday, a concert of the BI-2 group took place on the central square of the city.

STAGE PRO Install developed the technical design, provided visualization and full technical production, including delivery, equipment installation and console support.


Khabarovsk: +7 (914) 771-05-32
Vladivostok: +7 (908) 967-92-77

Sakhalin: +7 (904) 626-11-76

Blagoveshchensk: +7 (924) 441-37-74

Designed by AIGER